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Chairman's Reports

Munitions Workers 1915 - 1916

Chairman's Report 2021/2022

Well another interesting year, we managed our first meeting for nearly two years.

Chairman's Report 2020/2021

‘That was the year that was’ or wasn’t, as we have not had any members meetings since March 2020 or a committee meeting since February 2020, the…

Chairman's Report 2019/2020

I didn’t think my first year as your chairman would be quite so enjoyable and eventful; it has certainly had its highs and lows.

Chairman's Report 2018/2019

The stepping down from the committee of the previous chairman was marked by the committee appointing Dai Thomas as Honorary President to replace the…

Chairman's Report 2016

We have come to the end of a very interesting and successful year which would not have been possible without the full support of our membership and v…