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Past Meeting Summaries

Munitions Workers 1915 - 1916
Our October meeting was a “packed house” in the Community Centre, together with our Members we had 25 visitors who had been attracted by the subject matter for this “Halloween” month. Richard, our Chairman welcomed all present and introduced our speaker for the evenin…
Our meeting this month started with Richard, our Chairman, welcoming the Members, of which there were many, attending the evening's talk which was given by Lorraine Lister. Lorraine attended dressed as a WW1 nurse, an appropriate costume to her talk which was all abou…
The evening started with our AGM when the Chairman, Richard welcomed all present and proceeded with a comprehensive report on the year`s activities. The Society is now starting the new year with 100 members and a healthy financial account. 2 new Members were elected t…
Our Chairman, Richard, welcomed everyone to our well-attended meeting on St David’s Day and introduced the speaker for the evening, Peter Robinson. Peter is a member of the RNLI and has many tales to relate regarding the RNLI but tonight`s talk was on the wreck of the…
After welcoming everyone to our February meeting, Richard, our Chairman, introduced the Speaker, Julie Greer who, as a Member of the Society, did not need much of an introduction as she is a well-known and popular speaker for the Society. She also admits to having an o…
The first meeting of the New Year was opened by our chairman. Richard, welcoming the Members and our Speaker for the evening, Adrian Hughes. Adrian is well known to the Society and has spoken to us before, so we knew we were in for a good evening. Adrian himself is a v…
Our annual “afternoon” talk, which is held at the Community Centre and open, as are all our meetings, to anyone who would like to join us. This year we had a very distinguished speaker in Fiona Gale, who was until her retirement the County Archaeologist at Denbighshire…
Our final meeting of the year was an illustrated talk by Mrs Mary Watkin Jones who is an author and raconteur. Mrs Watkin Jones comes from Lixwm and has a family history in farming and connection with horses and, from the age of 2 ½ was out riding with the hunt…
Our November meeting was an illustrated talk by Mr Bill Rogerson on the local railway history. Mr Rogerson was welcomed by our Chairman Richard who also welcomed the members present. Bill's talk concentrated mainly on the line that used to transport goods and passenge…
Our first meeting of the new Season was an illustrated talk given by Celia Drew on” Nursing in WW1”, Celia was a nurse before retirement and has visited many of the sites mentioned in WW1 including the battlefields. Nursing during this time was a very different job fr…